Hair weaving is a non-surgical process that involves attaching hair extensions to the existing hair to provide the appearance of a full crown and voluminous hair. It is accomplished by following fusion, pasting, hair bonding, and netting. The client can choose between synthetic and natural hair to execute the hair weaving process.

The hair extensions get added to the existing hair without undergoing any surgical procedure. There are also no side effects from the treatments since it is a non-surgical, safe procedure. There are different techniques of hair weaving that one can choose from based on their current conditions and expectations from the treatment.

Bonding is the first type of hair weaving procedure in which the existing hair gets separated into different segments, and then the hair extensions are attached to them using glue. It is a temporary procedure that provides the appearance of thicker and fluffier hair. Another hair weaving procedure is tracing, in which the natural hair gets braided across the scalp. Followed by this, a few braids are prepared and sewn.

Lastly, fusion is a hair weaving procedure to provide a natural appearance. The hair extensions get attached by using machinery. The hair experts heat the machine to stick the natural hair strand with the artificial ones. Even though this is a time-consuming process, it provides the most natural appearance by following a temporary hair procedure.
Besides these temporary hair weaving treatments, one can also undergo permanent hair weaving. Net weaving is a permanent hair weaving procedure under which experts attach hair permanently to prevent baldness and hair thinning in the future.